Monday, November 09, 2020

Epson WF-7840 Scan to Email Settings for Apple

I have posted a document attached here about this.  I hope the Google search can find the information. It might help save a few hours for those trying.  The linked pdf has the same text as below, plus a set of screen shots showing some of the process and the end screen.  Here is the link again.  Except for this issue, I think the printer is really good and the setup was otherwise pretty automatic.  I have tried lots of these A3 printers and this one definitely leads the pack.  The software is very well done.

The issue is making the new Epson printer send the scan directly to email.  The trick with Apple is that you need an "app specific password" which is complicated if you are a novice because you also have to have "two factor authentication" and then use THAT special password for the EPSON login setup screen.  ** As an afterthought, I saw that the instructions from the Apple link I was given from Telstra Platinum Support includes the App Specific Password retrieval in the email RECEIVE instructions so if you don't receive (as in a printer setup) then you have skipped that part and the SMTP send is not set up!  At least that is my excuse, **

So here is some information about all that.  To speed you, here is a setup screen from the printer control panel:


Scan to Email from Epson WF-7840 Printer
(This might take an hour or so!!)

Date: 2020/11/08


First, Install the Printer Completely

Then Get App Specific Password from your iCloud screen.

In Windows 10 I do these steps:

You need to have iCloud for Windows ( )

You need to have TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION set up

go to and log in with your password and then with the authentication from your iPhone

Go to Security section and then generate an APP SPECIFIC PASSWORD, give it a name so you know what it is.


Have you Installed the Printer Completely?

Now, find the IP address of your printer ( mine is ).  You can probably get this from printing out the network status on the printer maintenance sheets or on the control panel go to Settings/Network Settings/Network Status/Wired Lan Wifi Status

Now on the PC, log in to the printer and enter a username and password (these are blank initially).  If you change things from the PC, you might be timed out and you need to go back in and enter again. 

NOTE: But you can change these settings on the control panel too:

On the PC now log into the printer control at the IP address ( as I said, mine is  Yours will be different. If you see a security warning don’t worry it is inside your own house.)

Now you should be in the printer administration screens

Go to the Tab “Network” and then on the left side column choose Email Server/Basic

Fill in the details and instead of your usual password, put in the “App Specific Password” which you see on the iCloud Screen.

Go into the printer administration or do this from the Printer Control Panel.

Fill in the screens as shown here:  The information is as follows:


SMTP AUTH / / the app specific password / / / 587 / STARTTLS / Disabled /

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Mars in Opposition Photographed with iPhone XS Max Camera (real or artefact??)

This all started when I noticed Mars was very bright as I viewed it this month with the naked eye looking East from a location 10 km North of Gingin (-31°20'27.60" S 115°54'28.80").  Gingin is 100 km North of Perth Western Australia and it has very clear skies with hardly any light pollution.  I read that Mars was "in opposition" which means that it is in a direct line, on the same side of the sun as the Earth.  In this position it can be about 62 million km from Earth.  I took a photograph using 3.6x and posted it on Twitter.  It seemed pretty impressive with an orange disc visible.  After I posted it on Twitter I looked around and saw quite a few similar iPhone images on the web.  Then, some smart photography people claimed it was artefact and might be "bokeh" which is a kind of software interpretation.  I invited comments.  The authority on all things astrophysical is @thunderf00t and he came out with a quick answer that, through the telescope, "Mars is angularly about the size of a small crater on the moon." (thunderf00t link here)  Dave Jones checked it out and posted a couple more images showing how bad focus affects the digital camera image, increasing it about 5x (eevblog Tweet from Dave Jones).

I made some observations then, and sure enough, my iPhone could not see any small craters on the moon.  I tested the camera using a tape measure and ruler and discovered the resolution, using 3.6x, was 1 mm at 2 m.  This is an angle of about 0.03 degrees.  According to the laws of physics and trigonometry, the angular size of the moon is 0.524 degrees.  The Moon image from my iPhone was about 10 times bigger than the Mars image.  Thus the angular size of the Mars image was 0.0524 degrees.  From trig', allowing for a base of 6.2E10 meters away and a diameter of 6.7E6 meters, the actual angular size of Mars is 0.006.

Conclusion: iPhone has turned the Mars image into a circle 5x times bigger than it really is.  Clearly I need to upgrade my iPhone and purchase a long lens for it.  Thanks to all the experts.  I enjoyed refreshing my trig, and cosmology.  Its nice to know that some things have not changed since I finished high school 52 years ago.


It was difficult to actually find the angular resolution of the iPhone, since most of the hype about "retina" really refers to the screen image rather than the camera.  But Wikipedia has good information.  Here is what I found out (see also my notes below).

The human eye has an angular resolution of 0.6 arcminutes.  There are 60 arcminutes in a degree so this is 1/100 of a degree. (0.01 degrees).

The iPhone has a resolution of the order of 300 pixels per degree (PPD) which is about 0.003 degrees. My measurement might not have been under ideal conditions.  Lighting, exposure, autofocus etc. seems to have worsened the result by a factor of 5-10.  So iPhone should be better than the eye.  It should be able to resolve mars as a single pixel, but not as a circle.

As an afterthought, I noted that the Jupiter image was about 2x the size of my Mars image and about 1/5 the size of the moon image.  Thus Jupiter had an angular size of 0.1 degrees.  According to trig', with the current distance to Jupiter of 782,905,474 km (7.82E11 m) and a diameter of 139,822 km (1.39E8 m), the actual angular size is tan-1((1.39E8)/(7.82E11)) = 0.01 degrees.  So it is (just) resolvable as more than a pixel but is also being magnified as it really is about 50 times smaller than the moon.

Further Information: Calculations and Image Data